
Did you know that The cause of a migraine is not always an issue with the head?

Migraines and headaches can be the result of a concussion, creating restriction in the cranial tissues. But it can also be caused by an imbalance elsewhere in the body.

We have to look at the many meridian lines running through the head. Is there an issue with an organ that is being reflected in a meridian line or an issue with the tissues those meridian lines run through?

The gut-brain connection also cannot be ignored.

There are over 100 million nerve cells in the guts that are in constant communication with the brain. If there is restriction in the guts this complex system will be off balance.

The body’s four pressure systems need to be in complete balance and the spine needs to be in complete alignment from the tailbone up in order for the brain to be happy and free of tension.

We would also need to explore the possibility of some kind of emotional trauma or unexpressed emotions creating tension on the organs, tissues, and/or meridian lines.

Want to learn more?

My course “Connecting the Dots - Putting Together the Pieces of your Pain Puzzle.” includes an entire lesson on Migraines and concussions.

I’ll explain the various physical connections that play a part in migraines and long term concussion symptoms, the emotional representations of the physical tension leading to pain, the meridian lines that run through the head, as well as some tools you can use at home to help yourself heal.

Let’s release YOUR restrictions.

It is important to be introspective on what your body is trying to tell you. Particularly when healing seems to be taking longer than it should or when it is associated with emotional outbursts. Is your body giving you time and space to reflect on something? I will help and guide you along the way.

As a Manual Osteopath, energy healer, and emotional release specialist, I am well equipped to not only find where the body is holding tension; but facilitate healing of those restrictions and hold space while we explore why your body is reacting this way.


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