Digestive Issues

Have you accepted your food sensitivities as part of your Every day life?

A high percentage of the population will experience digestive issues. Food sensitivities, bloating, cramping, constipation and diarrhea are very common, but that doesn’t make them normal. Cutting out triggering foods is helpful but, in most cases, it’s a bit like not picking a scab. Sure, you’re not reaggravating it, but the cut is still there. To truly heal your digestive issues we have to get to the root cause of the problem.

Digestion can be impacted by a physical issue such as:

  • The gut-brain connection – Perhaps a concussion

  • Blunt force trauma from a fall, accident, or contact sports

  • Many types of medications

  • An injury to the tissues along the small or large intestine meridian lines

  • Previous surgery

Digestion can also be impacted by an emotional or mental issue such as:

  • Anxiety

  • Grief

  • Heartache

  • Stress

Want to learn more?

My course “Connecting the Dots - Putting Together the Pieces of your Pain Puzzle.” includes an entire lesson on Digestive issues.

I’ll explain the various physical connections that contribute to digestive issues, the emotional representation of the intestines, the meridian lines that impact the intestines, as well as some tools you can use at home to help yourself heal.

Let’s release YOUR restrictions.

When the body holds onto stress, trauma, or unexpressed emotions it is reflected in one’s physical health and wellbeing. It is important to look at both physical and emotional health when looking to heal completely from the inside out. I will help and guide you along the way.

As a Manual Osteopath, energy healer, and emotional release specialist, I am well equipped to not only find where the body is holding tension; but facilitate healing of those restrictions and hold space while we explore why your body is reacting this way.


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