Chronic Pain Or Unexplained Illness

Have you tried everything to heal your pain?

Tried all different Manual Therapy modalities and even though you follow instructions and do exercises religiously you can’t seem to heal?

Have you ever woken up with pain you didn’t go to bed with?

Or experienced an injury that didn’t seem to match the accident? Such as someone who throws their back out getting into the car, injures their hip by stepping off a curb, or just “slept wrong.” 

The body is a complex, integrated network of connective tissues, organ function, and energy channels. Maybe your pain isn’t coming from where you think. Maybe there are a series of compensating patterns at work and where you feel your pain is simply where your body has run out of flexibility and cannot compensate anymore.

Want to learn more?

Restriction in one area of the body can create widespread imbalances. But, you can heal if you’re able to find the root cause. Much like untangling a ball of yarn….

My course “Connecting the Dots - Putting Together the Pieces of Your Pain Puzzle.” is a series of 5 masterclasses, each dedicated to a common complaint or area of concern.

We will explore how the body’s tissues and systems are interconnected physical and emotionally in an effort to find the root cause of your pain and help you alleviate it.

Let’s release YOUR restrictions.

Is your body holding on to restrictions in the tissues from an old surgery, injury, or car accident? Or are there restrictions caused by stress, trauma or unexpressed emotions?

The hormones produced during a prolonged stress response can cause significant inflammation and therefore tension on the tissues. This coupled with the body’s energetic response to unexpressed emotions in relation to organ health could be the key to your chronic or unexplained pain. As a Manual Osteopath, energy healer, and emotional release specialist, I am well equipped to not only find where the body is holding tension; but facilitate healing of those restrictions and hold space while we explore why your body is reacting this way.


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